Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 156.80 (€ 129.60 bez DPH)
The Northern Pike is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox (the pike family, along with musky and North American pickerel). It inhabits almost every freshwater in the world and some coastal...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
The Muskie (Musky) is the largest member of the pike family (Esocidae) and can grow to some 65-70lbs. The species is found mainly in Canada and the waters of the northern United States. They are silver...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
The Rainbow Trout originates from North America. However, thanks to its high status in cuisine and angling, it has been introduced to many areas around the world. The most characteristic feature is its...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 21.60 (€ 17.80 bez DPH)
The Red Emperor, also known as the government bream, is a large member of the snapper family. Found in the Indian and Western Pacific oceans, the red emperor is an ambush predatory and prefers rocky...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.60 (€ 12.90 bez DPH)
The red-bellied piranha is an iconic freshwater predatory fish and is considered the most dangerous of the piranha family. It is native to South America in the river systems of the Amazon, Parana, and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
The Regal Angelfish is a beautifully colored member of the family Pomacanthidae. The species can be found in the Indo-Pacific region and prefers lagoons, reefs, and caves. It reaches a length of up to 25...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
The Regal Angelfish is a beautifully colored member of the family Pomacanthidae. The species can be found in the Indo-Pacific region and prefers lagoons, reefs, and caves. It reaches a length of up to 25...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
The Regal Tang is an intensely colored and beautiful marine fish. Also known as the Palette Surgeonfish of Hippo Tang, it is a popular representative of the reef community. Found in the coral-rich areas...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
The Regal Tang is an intensely colored and beautiful marine fish. Also known as the Palette Surgeonfish of Hippo Tang, it is a popular representative of the reef community. Found in the coral-rich areas...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 29.10 (€ 24.00 bez DPH)
Sailfish is a genus of marine fish found in the temperate and tropical zones of all the world's seas. It is a bluish-gray colored fish with a characteristically shaped, erect dorsal fin that runs along...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 32.20 (€ 26.60 bez DPH)
The saltwater crocodile is perhaps the most recognizable of the 24 species of crocodilli-ans living today(crocodiles,alligators and Gavialidae). As its name suggests, ''salties'' can be found in salwater,...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 12.40 (€ 10.30 bez DPH)
Scallops are a common marine bivalve mollusk of the Pectinidae family. They inhabit all of the world's oceans, with the greatest concentration of species in tropical waters. There are nearly 500 known...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 12.40 (€ 10.30 bez DPH)
Scallops are a common marine bivalve mollusk of the Pectinidae family. They inhabit all of the world's oceans, with the greatest concentration of species in tropical waters. There are nearly 500 known...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 24.30 (€ 20.10 bez DPH)
The Sea Trout is an anadromous or "sea-run" trout closely related to the Atlantic Salmon. It is endemic to the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Baltic, spending most of its life in the sea while...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)
The Sea Trout is an anadromous or "sea-run" trout closely related to the Atlantic Salmon. It is endemic to the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Baltic, spending most of its life in the sea while...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.60 (€ 12.90 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.60 (€ 12.90 bez DPH)
The Siamese Fighting Fish or betta is a popular aquarium fish originating from and native to Southeast Asia and is called “pla-kad” in Thai, or fighting fish. It is a beautiful fish which can range...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 15.70 (€ 13.00 bez DPH)
The Brook Trout is a vibrantly colored member of the Salmonids. It is indigenous to the northeastern part of North America but was introduced to Europe and other parts of the world at the end of the 19th...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)
The Brook Trout is a vibrantly colored member of the Salmonids. It is indigenous to the northeastern part of North America but was introduced to Europe and other parts of the world at the end of the 19th...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 25.60 (€ 21.20 bez DPH)
The Australasian snapper (recently named Chrysophrys auratus) is a popular member of the Sparidae family (the porgies) widely found in coastal and reef waters of Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia,...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 21.40 (€ 17.70 bez DPH)
The southern calamari or southern reef squid is a popular member of the Loliginidae family (the pencil squids). It can be found in coastal waters up to some 10 meters in depth in sandy or grassy areas of...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 17.60 (€ 14.50 bez DPH)
A curious inhabitant of the sea floor, starfish or sea stars are not fish but star-shaped echinoderms of the class Asteroidea (with sea urchins, sand dollars, and basket stars as relatives). There are...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
The tench (or doctor fish) is a member of the carp family (Cyprinidae) and inhabits the majority of Europe including the British Isles. Its prime habitats are slow-flowing warm rivers and lakes with...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 31.90 (€ 26.30 bez DPH)
The Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon), or tiger shrimp, is the largest member of the Penaeidae family of crustaceans. It is a widely recognized and economically important seafood around the world thanks to...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
The Largemouth Bass is a predatory fish of the Centrachidae family. Growing to some 25 lbs and endemic to North America, it is found in most lowland rivers and lakes from Canada to Florida, with large...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 11.70 (€ 9.70 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
Pillow in the shape and pattern of a pine tree trunk. A faithful replica that also keeps you warm.
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 16.60 (€ 13.70 bez DPH)
The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 24.30 (€ 20.10 bez DPH)
The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)
The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing...
Manuf.: GABY
Expedition: In stock
Price:€ 156.80 (€ 129.60 bez DPH)
The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing...