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GABY Pillows - Page 3

GABY s.c. K.Czyż, P.Sobinek, Ł.Koziński
ul. Łukasiewicza 3, 31-429 Kraków Polska
IČO: 122473072
telefon: +48 519 766 450
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Sottosopra s.r.o. Hlubinská 1378/36 702 00 Ostrava Česko
IČO: 05361508
telefon: +420 608  825 707
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Showing 97 - 137 from the total of 137
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Ship helm - 44x10 cm

Ship helm - 44x10 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 15.60 (€ 12.90 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
King Sielaw - 52 cm

King Sielaw - 52 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 15.60 (€ 12.90 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Atlantic Mackerel - 60 cm pillow

Atlantic Mackerel - 60 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 14.50 (€ 12.00 bez DPH)

The Atlantic Mackerel is a pelagic fish of the mackerel family. It inhabits most coastal waters along the northern United States, the European Atlantic coast, the Mediterranean and Black Seas as well as...
Herring - 60 cm pillow

Herring - 60 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 14.50 (€ 12.00 bez DPH)

Derived from the Latin for “sardine” and “shape”, the Clupeiformes order of ray-finned fish includes common species from the herring, sardine, and anchovy families (and several other families). Often...
Catfish mini - 62 cm pillow

Catfish mini - 62 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 14.20 (€ 11.80 bez DPH)

A member of the catfish family, the Wels is the largest freshwater predatory fish in Europe. Its prime habitat is warm, slow-flowing waters in central, southern, and eastern Europe and is present in...
Scallop orange - 45 cm

Scallop orange - 45 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.40 (€ 10.30 bez DPH)

Scallops are a common marine bivalve mollusk of the Pectinidae family. They inhabit all of the world's oceans, with the greatest concentration of species in tropical waters. There are nearly 500 known...
Scallop red - 45 cm

Scallop red - 45 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.40 (€ 10.30 bez DPH)

Scallops are a common marine bivalve mollusk of the Pectinidae family. They inhabit all of the world's oceans, with the greatest concentration of species in tropical waters. There are nearly 500 known...
Gold Fish - 50 cm pillow

Gold Fish - 50 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Goldfish is perhaps the world’s most popular and easily recognizable freshwater aquarium fish. A member of the wide-ranging carp family (Cyprinidae), they were bred selectively in China starting more...
Great White Shark mini - 53 cm pillow

Great White Shark mini - 53 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

Perhaps the most well-known and recognized species of shark, the Great White, or White Pointer, inhabits the majority of the temperate waters of the world’s oceans and seas. It has a typical predatory...
Killer Whale mini - 51 cm pillow

Killer Whale mini - 51 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Killer Whale or Orca is a large representative of the dolphin family. It sports a characteristic color pattern of black and white blotches. Killer Whales have sturdy and powerful builds and are...
Dentex mini - 43 cm pillow

Dentex mini - 43 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

Part of the Sparidae family, the common dentex is a large predatory fish. Its natural distribution range includes portions of the Eastern Atlantic and all of the Mediterranean. Found in relatively shallow...
Sea Trout - 51 cm pillow

Sea Trout - 51 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Sea Trout is an anadromous or "sea-run" trout closely related to the Atlantic Salmon. It is endemic to the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Baltic, spending most of its life in the sea while...
Zander mini - 50 cm pillow

Zander mini - 50 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing...
Dolphin Pink mini - 55 cm  pillow

Dolphin Pink mini - 55 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Bottlenose Dolphin is perhaps the most recognizable of all the whales and dolphins, the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops) is the most widespread of all the 44 dolphin species. It is found in nearly all...
Common bottlenose dolphin mini 55 cm pillow

Common bottlenose dolphin mini 55 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The Bottlenose Dolphin is perhaps the most recognizable of all the whales and dolphins, the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops) is the most widespread of all the 44 dolphin species. It is found in nearly all...
European Sturgeon - 36 cm

European Sturgeon - 36 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 12.30 (€ 10.20 bez DPH)

The European Sturgeon is a prehistoric fish of the Sturgeon family. It is a catadromous euryhaline fish, meaning it lives in both fresh and saltwater. In Europe, it is present along the Atlantic coastline...
Watermelon quarter segment - 37x17 cm

Watermelon quarter segment - 37x17 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 11.70 (€ 9.70 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Orange segment - 37x17 cm

Orange segment - 37x17 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 11.70 (€ 9.70 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Kiwi quarter segment - 37x17 cm

Kiwi quarter segment - 37x17 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 11.70 (€ 9.70 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Blue Spotted Stingray mini - 50 cm pillow

Blue Spotted Stingray mini - 50 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 10.10 (€ 8.40 bez DPH)

The Blue Spotted Stingray, or Kuhl's Stingray, is a member of the Dasyatidae family. It can be found in the coastal waters of the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific. It prefers sandy shallow...
Flounder - 41 cm pillow

Flounder - 41 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 9.70 (€ 8.00 bez DPH)

Flounder is a group of flatfish species. Representatives of this family of fish in the Baltic Sea include, among others, the Plaice, Flounder, and Dab. They are a demersal fish, giving them their...
Amur mini - 40 cm pillow

Amur mini - 40 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.80 (€ 7.30 bez DPH)

The Amur is a large member of the carp family. It is native to the waters of China and the Amur River basin. Growing to a maximum of 1.5 m in length, the species prefers warm-flowing waters or lakes. It...
Carp mini  - 36 cm

Carp mini - 36 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

It’s a very popular fish of the carp species. Originally it inhabited the catchment area of the Caspian, the Aral, and the Black Seas. The Carp became a famous breeding sh after its domestication in China...
Brown Trout mini - 35 cm

Brown Trout mini - 35 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Brown Trout is a species of salmonid. Its natural habitat is cold and fresh water. It originally inhabited almost all of Europe and was present in small numbers in Asia. It has, however, been...
Pike mini - 45 cm

Pike mini - 45 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Northern Pike is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox (the pike family, along with musky and North American pickerel). It inhabits almost every freshwater in the world and some coastal...
Ocellaris Clownfish mini - 32 cm pillow

Ocellaris Clownfish mini - 32 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Ocellaris Clownfish is a small marine fish, recognizable by its characteristic color pattern. It is endemic to the shallow reefs of the East Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Clownfish live in...
Regal Tang mini - 32 cm pillow

Regal Tang mini - 32 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Regal Tang is an intensely colored and beautiful marine fish. Also known as the Palette Surgeonfish of Hippo Tang, it is a popular representative of the reef community. Found in the coral-rich areas...
Common Carp mini - 36 cm pillow

Common Carp mini - 36 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

It’s a very popular fish of the carp species. Originally it inhabited the catchment area of the Caspian, the Aral, and the Black Seas. The Carp became a famous breeding sh after its domestication in China...
Sea Horse orange mini - 40 cm pillow

Sea Horse orange mini - 40 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Sea Horse blue mini - 40 cm pillow

Sea Horse blue mini - 40 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
Regal Angelfish mini - 32 cm pillow

Regal Angelfish mini - 32 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Regal Angelfish is a beautifully colored member of the family Pomacanthidae. The species can be found in the Indo-Pacific region and prefers lagoons, reefs, and caves. It reaches a length of up to 25...
Emperor Angelfish white mini - 32 cm pillow

Emperor Angelfish white mini - 32 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Emperor Angelfish is a beautifully colored member of the family Pomacanthidae. The species has a wide Indo-Pacific distribution and can be found as far as Hawaii. It reaches a length of around 40 cm...
Herring - 35 cm pillow

Herring - 35 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

Derived from the Latin for “sardine” and “shape”, the Clupeiformes order of ray-finned fish includes common species from the herring, sardine, and anchovy families (and several other families). Often...
Atlantic Cod mini - 38 cm pillow

Atlantic Cod mini - 38 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Atlantic Co is a predatory saltwater fish present in the Northern Atlantic Ocean as well as the seas of northern Europe, including the Baltic. It is a schooling fish that lives in deep water. Cod and...
Perch mini - 32 cm

Perch mini - 32 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Common Perch is a  popular species of the genus Perca (the perches). It inhabits most Europe waters and is present in parts of Asia. It has also been successfully introduced into Australian reservoirs...
Sea Horse pink mini - 40 cm pillow

Sea Horse pink mini - 40 cm pillow

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

Seahorses are a spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and...
King Sielaw mini - 30 cm

King Sielaw mini - 30 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or...
Siven american mini - 35 cm

Siven american mini - 35 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Brook Trout is a vibrantly colored member of the Salmonids. It is indigenous to the northeastern part of North America but was introduced to Europe and other parts of the world at the end of the 19th...
Black Bass mini 35 cm

Black Bass mini 35 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Smallmouth Bass is a popular freshwater North American gamefish from the Centrarchidae family (including the Basses). It is a formidable predator, feeding on fish, invertebrates, and small aquatic...
Common roach mini - 35 cm

Common roach mini - 35 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The roach is a small member of the Cyprinidae family. Growing to around 30cm, it is widely found in lakes, rivers, ponds, and brackish water in Europe and parts of Asia. The species has a characteristic...
Abramis brama pillow mini - 35 cm

Abramis brama pillow mini - 35 cm

Manuf.: GABY

Expedition: In stock

Price:€ 8.60 (€ 7.10 bez DPH)

The Common Bream is a prevalent freshwater game fish in the Cyprinidae family. It is widely found in temperate lakes, slow-flowing rivers, and canals throughout most of Europe and as far east as the Black...
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