We offer original pillows made as faithful replicas. Made of the highest quality materials available that comply with the European Union's EN71 toy standard. Very nice, design. Suitable as a great gift or decoration.
Sailfish is a genus of marine fish found in the temperate and tropical zones of all the world's seas. It is a bluish-gray colored fish with a characteristically shaped, erect dorsal fin that runs along the entire length of the animal's back. This fin gave him his name. Another striking feature is the upper jaw extended into a long groove, with which the sailfish resembles swordfish or marlin. Sailfish grow very quickly and the annual fish is up to 1.5 m long. They are predators, hunting small pelagic species of fish and squid at the surface or in medium depths. They usually do not grow over three meters in length and their weight does not exceed 90 kg. Sailfish have been measured at swimming speeds approaching 110 km/h, making them some of the fastest aquatic animals ever. They would be able to swim a fifty-meter Olympic pool in 1.6 seconds.